This one-of-a-kind protection takes into consideration the difficulty and cost associated with replacing a trophy or record mount, and provides the next best thing. That’s right, a replacement hunt for another trophy animal. Whether it’s a lion hunt or you’re going back to Russia for brown bear, our Hunting Trophy Insurance will provide the funds. Our Hunting Trophy Insurance will pay the average cost of the replacement hunt and the associated expenses based on the values provided in the Trophy Inventory section of the application.
Your can rest assure in your hunt with our hunting trip insurance provided to our members.
Trophy Insurance
Hunting Trophy Insurance

If you should face the climatic misfortune of a flood or earthquake, those phenomenons are also covered! Our Hunting Liability Insurance provides comprehensive coverage based on an “agreed value,” all risk basis. Presnell Sporting Collection understands the incalculable worth of your exotic trophy game mount. Your travels and invested time are worth our effort to provide you with the finest of coverage. By offering world class protection, we are committed to protecting our clients’ trophy collections.
Hunting Liability Insurance