Presnell Sporting Collection is a worldwide membership club similar in concept to a multi-location private country club. We fully understand our members’ requirement for excellence and our members have access to our exclusive collection of outdoor sporting destinations.
Presnell Sporting Collection destinations have been carefully selected on the basis of the experience offered, seasonality, geography, and most importantly, the requirement that the destination be of unparalleled quality. Our adventures include big game, upland game, waterfowl, freshwater and saltwater fishing. A sampling of our unique destinations include: stalking Rocky Mountain elk in Colorado, trophy Red Stag in New Zealand, embarking on an African Big 5 or plains game safari, wing shooting dove populating the skies in Argentina, or bone fishing in the spectacular waters of Andros Island in the Bahamas.
Many of the Presnell Sporting Collection destinations are undiscovered jewels that even astute, well-traveled members would typically not be familiar with. Our principals have a passion for the outdoors that drive us to seek out new, exceptional outdoor experiences. It is our goal to provide an expanding menu of unrivaled sporting adventures to select from so that our members always have additional, novel destinations to experience. If you are an avid and passionate sportsperson, or would like to become one, Presnell Sporting Collection is what you have been waiting for.
We invite you to join our worldwide sportsman's club and enjoy a lifetime of great destination experiences.

Outdoor Adventures